Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dryden's Satire

Image result for Dryden
Dryden favored subtle wit. In Dryden's day audiences were not so distracted. Televisions, social media, and cellphones have cut the attention span of audiences immensely. I have read articles that suggest the attention span of modern consumers last no longer that one minute. Also, nuance has been lost on modern audiences. Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe," would not appeal to a 2018 popular audience. Unfortunately, subtlety has been lost. Vulgarity reigns supreme in today's popular culture. I believe Dryden would be appalled at the leagues we have fallen. There are very few places satire of Dryden's caliber live. The purpose of today's satire is to shock, first and foremost. Dryden seemed to use satire as a way to socially engage and make commentary on art. Today's purpose is to verbally slander, shock and engage with popular commentary. The days where educated, insightful, and subtly witty literature was actively saute out no longer exists, The attention span of the audience is less than half of what it was. What now exists is and audience oblivious to nuance and unable to engage with a lengthy work. Dryden would have many words to express his disgust.

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