I think both Swift and Fielding would detest social media and see it for the fraud that it is. I think they would see how superficial it is and abhor the idea that people are only pretending to live and do as opposed to actually doing.
A modest Proposal:
Much like we have see and eye dogs I believe we should have see and eye homeless people. Homeless may be inconvenient they clutter the streets as we walk and beg for resources like food and clothing. Perhaps we supply them these things in an effort to acquire their servitude. The see and eye homeless will assist those who need it. They will clean, cook, pick up groceries and wash cares. No longer will they crowd around on our streets and not give back to society. No longer will they ask for things they haven't earned.
Im not sure if I formulated this proposal right. My intent was to show to absurdity of having homeless people on the streets while there are so many people that need help in homes. People can barter their help and receive basic necessities. things that we freely supply to animals. I know homelessness is not necessarily all due to joblessness but this is for the portion it applies to. There isnt much humor but I find homelessness hard to joke about.
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