Dryden favored subtle wit. In Dryden's day audiences were not so distracted. Televisions, social media, and cellphones have cut the attention span of audiences immensely. I have read articles that suggest the attention span of modern consumers last no longer that one minute. Also, nuance has been lost on modern audiences. Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe," would not appeal to a 2018 popular audience. Unfortunately, subtlety has been lost. Vulgarity reigns supreme in today's popular culture. I believe Dryden would be appalled at the leagues we have fallen. There are very few places satire of Dryden's caliber live. The purpose of today's satire is to shock, first and foremost. Dryden seemed to use satire as a way to socially engage and make commentary on art. Today's purpose is to verbally slander, shock and engage with popular commentary. The days where educated, insightful, and subtly witty literature was actively saute out no longer exists, The attention span of the audience is less than half of what it was. What now exists is and audience oblivious to nuance and unable to engage with a lengthy work. Dryden would have many words to express his disgust.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Dryden's Satire

Dryden favored subtle wit. In Dryden's day audiences were not so distracted. Televisions, social media, and cellphones have cut the attention span of audiences immensely. I have read articles that suggest the attention span of modern consumers last no longer that one minute. Also, nuance has been lost on modern audiences. Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe," would not appeal to a 2018 popular audience. Unfortunately, subtlety has been lost. Vulgarity reigns supreme in today's popular culture. I believe Dryden would be appalled at the leagues we have fallen. There are very few places satire of Dryden's caliber live. The purpose of today's satire is to shock, first and foremost. Dryden seemed to use satire as a way to socially engage and make commentary on art. Today's purpose is to verbally slander, shock and engage with popular commentary. The days where educated, insightful, and subtly witty literature was actively saute out no longer exists, The attention span of the audience is less than half of what it was. What now exists is and audience oblivious to nuance and unable to engage with a lengthy work. Dryden would have many words to express his disgust.
Dryden favored subtle wit. In Dryden's day audiences were not so distracted. Televisions, social media, and cellphones have cut the attention span of audiences immensely. I have read articles that suggest the attention span of modern consumers last no longer that one minute. Also, nuance has been lost on modern audiences. Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe," would not appeal to a 2018 popular audience. Unfortunately, subtlety has been lost. Vulgarity reigns supreme in today's popular culture. I believe Dryden would be appalled at the leagues we have fallen. There are very few places satire of Dryden's caliber live. The purpose of today's satire is to shock, first and foremost. Dryden seemed to use satire as a way to socially engage and make commentary on art. Today's purpose is to verbally slander, shock and engage with popular commentary. The days where educated, insightful, and subtly witty literature was actively saute out no longer exists, The attention span of the audience is less than half of what it was. What now exists is and audience oblivious to nuance and unable to engage with a lengthy work. Dryden would have many words to express his disgust.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Have we reached enlightenment?
The question remains, have we reached enlightenment as a society? Yes and No. There are many American movements that could be used as proof of enlightenment. The Civil War - fought to abolish slavery - was a radical act that was in favor of enlightenment principles. The same holds true for The Suffrage Movement, The Civil Rights Movement, the current Women's Equal Pay movement and the current day Black Lives Matter Movement. Just these few examples of American radicalism are in support of enlightenment ideals. Unfortunately the simple fact that these movements are radical shows how we as a society are not enlightened. With women holding the majority of student loan debt it is logical that women should be paid equally for their labor. Underpaid women or less likely to pay back student loans which adds to the national debt crisis. The fact that this type of logic eludes quite a few Americans is preposterous and irrational. Many rational policy arguments are regularly rejected due to religious reasons. How can we boast a government separated from church and yet make policy based upon the law of God. I believe individuals have reached enlightenment but not society as a whole has seen the same light.
K.J. Edwards
I expect my posts will range from mundane to wildly interesting -- I hope! Either way I am looking forward to learning.
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Government according to Hume was inadequate because it suffered from not being either a full monarchy or a full republic. Government ...
To begin discussing Dryden and Pope's take on wit I think I must first discuss structure. While both are considered major touch stone...
The enlightenment has been defined - loosely- by a few different concepts. Also, called the "Age of Reason," the enlightenment was...
John Locke belief initially is that everyone must be on an equal playing field. Locke described the quest for knowledge as a journey...