John Locke belief initially is that everyone must be on an equal playing field. Locke described the quest for knowledge as a journey. The process of seeking knowledge being the most important part of the process. Locke's thought process was convoluted and confusing I will attempt to break down some of the major concepts as I understand them. Determinate changes: According to Locke determinate things are fixed. Like a table and chair. Yet dependent upon the mind that conjures the thought the same table and chair can mean any number of things. Because of this we as communicators must strive for words that have more universal and concrete meaning.
Most of Locke's writings seemed to be in response to the world around him. The monarchy was losing power at the time of some of Locke's musings. This allowed Locke to " lean unto [his] own understanding. Locke determined that reason and religion were antithetical to finding truth. In order to find truth we need to discuss determinate ideas using clear and concise language. The antithesis of this is religion.
Locke believed in natural law, natural law being we eat and we reproduce, unchangeable. In the natural order of things only man has the ability to think land reason therefore wo/man is the superior being because we were born human under natural law.
Locke’s ideas helped England to set the basis for our legal system, today. Laws at that time were
not codified at the time but due to his way of thinking we were allowed to set in stone some procedures and laws that were concrete and sseperated from enthusiasm.
majority rule separation of legislative etc. right to life liberty and property natural law discovered by reason alone god laws only to whom it is revealed
Lockes ideas also helped to spark the flames of a budding revolution. He believed absolute monarchy is inconsistent with each man born with natural rights. Men only gave them up with tactical consent or when they joined a civilized society.